This is a course which will impart you the knowledge that is essential for most of the service sector Jobs like consulting, banking and finance, accounting. This course will help you to manage and analyze the things more efficiently like your budget, grades, expenses.
Indicative Assessment
After every session student will get an assignment based on the things which he/she has learnt in the session.
There is no prerequisite, you just need to know basic arithmetic operations like summation, multiplication.There will be no too much workload, just attend sessions and do you home work. And make sure you should submit them by the deadline.
Learning outcomes and student Eligibility
All are Eligible.
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Session 1
1. Introduction to Excel and
2.Basic mathematical expressions and function
3. If statements
Session 2
1. Pivot Tables
2. Pivot Charts
Session 3
1. Basic Formatting
2. Conditional Formatting
Session 4
1. Use of VLookup
2. Use of IndexMatch
3. Using formula for Arrays
Session 5
1. Use of Column Names
2. Function for String manipulations
3. Data cleaning
Session 6
A project from Scratch which uses the things that we have learned in our last sessions